“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” ― Aristotle

I start with a quote that states, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them we learn by doing by doing them,” because when you have a child who develops differently, learning by doing is critical for their development. For example, for the children whose language develops differently you MUST take a proactive and intensive approach, you don’t have a lot time to get the muscles required for speech working together. Specifically, let’s look at childhood apraxia of speech or CAS. CAS affects your child’s speech and language development or lack of development if your child doesn’t receive the intensive therapy that is required to get them talking.

What is childhood apraxia of speech? “Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder that first becomes apparent as a young child is learning speech. For reasons not yet fully understood, children with apraxia of speech have great difficulty planning and producing the precise, highly refined and specific series of movements of the tongue, lips, jaw and palate that are necessary for intelligible speech.” What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech? - Apraxia Kids (apraxia-kids.org)

Typically, when your baby is developing differently state agencies use the term “delay”. It makes everyone feel better, the state because they don’t have to pay for any therapy, and parents because their child is “typical” just developing at a different rate. That is not the case with CAS. In fact, to say a baby has a speech “delay” can deny them the intensive therapy they need. And, if you look 5 years down the road and you have a child whose language is behavior that’s a no win for everyone. If your baby isn’t babbling, it’s not because you didn’t narrate your day enough or sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” enough, it’s because they can’t and they need help. They need the help of a speech therapist and a occupational therapist who understand the fine motor planning that creates speech. They can co-treat to create the neuropathways for speech and language development. You need professionals who are passionate and understand the intensive therapy your child needs. “… experienced SLPs will suggest that a child with moderate to severe apraxia of speech have 3 – 5 times a week of individual speech therapy.” What kind of help will my child need? - Apraxia Kids (apraxia-kids.org) Because, “One of the most robust variables that affect motor learning is the necessity for repetitive practice.” Practice, Production Frequency, and Repetition - Apraxia Kids (apraxia-kids.org)

Now, you are going to have to advocate for your child. Chances are, if you got the diagnosis you already did.

Source - Advocating for your Child with Apraxia - Apraxia Kids (apraxia-kids.org)